Diversity of Butterflies of Azmat Abad Village, J&K.
Diversity of Butterflies of Azmat Abad Village, J&K.

Diversity of Butterflies of Azmat Abad Village, J&K.

It is me immense pleasure to inform you all that this is my ebook. It is my original research work. This research book on the topic of “Diversity of Butterflies” of Azmat Abad Village and Thanna Mandi District Rajouri of J&K. I found different varieties of butterflies in my own area during my research. Interesting facts and figures I also included in my eBook.

Myself Sajid Ali awarded M.sc (Zoology) from Barkatullah University Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, B.Ed. from Kashmir University, M.Phil. Research Scholars from Rabindranath Tagore University Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (RNTU).

To My Reader’s.

No Doubt, the text of eBook has been complied by me alone, but you will quite often find the word ‘We’. What does it signify? Infect when I prepare the text, I imagine myself as among you. I keep in mind yours limitation as well as aspiration. In case you come across any problems please do share with me without any hesitation, because I understand one thing that no one can’t alone with “I”, but its can by “We”. Let’s together and make sure for what we can do for our dreams. Dreams can’t sleep you until you achieve your goal. Don’t stop and be get ready to step for a long jump. I am very grateful to all my colleagues, friends, professors and director, who encouraged me to do these difficult tasks and guided me in my research work. I am grateful to Dr. Pragya Shrivastava, DEPARTMENT OF LIFE SCIENCE RABINDRANATH TAGORE UNIVERSITY BHOPAL, (Madhya Pradesh), who guided me step by step and was able to complete my research work. I am also thankful to the team of Bright MP Publishers who helped me bring my research work to all of you. Thanks a lot to all of you once again.

Main aim and objective of paper was to document the new record of butterflies in the Azmat Abad Village and Thanna Mandi, District Rajouri Jammu and Kashmir, based on the field survey. The Butterflies recorded the first time in Azmat Abad village and Thanna mandi. The Altitude is 1668 meters above the sea level support sub-tropical to temperate vegetation and offers congenial climatic condition favorable for growth of vegetation including fauna. Altitude distribution of butterflies from higher to lower altitudes. With an altitudes ranges number of species present in lower altitudes and keep decreasing toward higher altitude. The present study added valuable information on diversity of butterfly fauna and will contribute in developing effective conservation in Azmat Abad village and Thanna Mandi, District Rajouri of Jammu and Kashmir.  During filed survey total ninteen (19) species of butterflies observed and four (4) families, Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae.

Butterflies are belonging to a long group of insects, belonging to the order ‘Lepidoptera’.

The study on butterfly was conducted between March 2020 to May 2020. A total 55 days’ observation was done during the study period. Field observation were done to bright sunny periods of the day when butterfly is most active.

The study area includes: Thanna Mandi, Azmat Abad, lower D.K.G, Ratan peer, and Baba Ghulam shah shrine.

During survey for butterflies, the species were recorded in note book. The species identification was done by consulting the pictorial field guide, Catalogues and Key (Evan, 1972; Varshney, 1983; Kunte, 2006; Panji et al, 2006; Singh, 2010; Varsheney and Smetacek 2015, Kehimkar 2016. iNaturalist app.

After all Said Ali reach the final conclusion and bring the positive form and now available for everyone whose want research on similar topic, “Diversity of Butterflies” formally known as ebook. Its will be available very soon on various most popular online store’s e.g. http://shop.merikavita.co and https://amazon.in.

In this book, the research completed  by the researcher on the diversity of butterflies has presented to us a wonderful and stunning results on the species of butterflies. Researchers  found the various species of buttefly and very interesting facts about them in a particular region of Azmat Abad Village and Thanna Mandi District Rajouri of J&K, which are really various classes of  butterflies and their origin and our natural environment his role in can be understood easier and better. If seen in the right way,  this research book will prove to be a milestone for the new researchers of this field and they can make their research work easier and better.